I was recently sent a copy of the book, Love You More: The Divine Surprise of Adopting My Daughter by Thomas Nelson Publishing. Love You More is a book written by an adoptive mother about her journey to adopting her daughter from Guatemala. In the book she chronicles the events that happened leading up to the adoption including the way God lead her and her husband to the choice of adoption. As an adoptive mother myself I was very interested in reading this book. As I read the book, however I began to feel like people who haven’t considered adoption should read this book as well, because she really puts into words the way an adoptive mother feels about their adoptive child.
As I read it I loved the way she described that she felt like her daughter was always meant to be with her family, because that is exactly how we felt about Shea and later William. I had no idea it could feel that way, but looking back I can clearly see the steps God put in our lives that lead us to adopting our specific children, and I can clearly see that they were meant to be with us. Even as we went through the craziness of the CPS system He was the one in control of the chaos, making sure that everything happened at precisely the right time in spite of our attempts to rush things.
In the book Love You More, Jennifer Grant talks about how frustrating the whole process was, and how it was awful waiting for the government to decide that her family was, in fact, a family. In some ways, adopting through the foster system is easier in that we get to experience the firsts with our child, but in way it’s more difficult because if something goes wrong we have had the child and then have to say good-bye. In a sense we risk our hearts in a different way.
At the end she talks about how it with her daughter now, about 10 years after the fact, and how her family has been shaped through the experience. I really enjoyed reading about the later experiences as I can not wait to get there myself.
In short, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who wonders about adoption, is considering adoption, or knows anyone who has adopted