Sunday, October 03, 2010

Supper Sunday- Chicken and Dumplings

It's getting cooler in many parts of the world, so I'm going to share one of my favorite cold weather meals with you :)

Chicken and Dumplings (Adapted from a recipe from my MIL)

Whole Fryer Chicken
1 can Evaporated Milk
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Can Cream of Celery Soup
1 small package of frozen mixed veggies (with corn, peas, carrots etc)
4 small cans of cheap refrigerator biscuits
Salt, Pepper, Tony Chachere's Seasoning or your favorite seasoning
Place chicken in a large pot and cover with water.  Sprinkle a good amount of salt and pepper and seasoning over the top.  Bring water to boil and simmer covered for about 2 hours or until the chicken is falling off the bone, making sure to replenish water if necessary.  Turn off and allow to cool slightly so you can work with the chicken.  Remove the bones and skin from the pot and break up the chicken into bite size pieces.  Turn heat back on to medium high heat and add in the soups, veggies and about 1/2 of the can of evaporated milk.  Sprinkle again with salt, pepper, and seasoning.  Heat to boiling.  Break up the biscuits into bite sized pieces and put in the pot one at a time.  Press down into the soup mixture to cook evenly.  Simmer another 15-20 minutes or until dumplings are done.

This is one meal I find that tastes better the second day.  The flavors have more of an opportunity to meld together by the next day.  Also, the more dumplings the better, so put as many as you can fit in there!  Yum. Yum.

This will make about 12 servings :)


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    HE HE HE

  2. Chicken and dumplings never fails to please!


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