This week on WW I learned that I can easily spiral downward …. But, even still I did have some victories when I chose salads instead of other foods and even refused ice cream a couple of times. I’m learning and reminding myself that I can have anything I want, just not all on the same day. It seems to be working so far . I didn’t weigh in last week either, because my life got a little out of control, so I don’t have a February total for you- I’ll have it for you next week. As the weather improves, I’m looking forward to spending more time outside working in the yard, which I’m sure will help my weight loss . On a happy note, I did fit into a pair of shorts comfortably this week that at the end of shorts season last year were a bit tight … I’m eager for those shorts to be too big!
Ok, so here’s what’s on the menu this week:
Monday: Burgers and fries
Tuesday: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Church
Wednesday: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Thursday: BBQ Chicken and Brussel Sprouts
Friday: Baked Tilapia, Pea Salad
Saturday: Tacos
Sunday: Snack Dinner
Spiral downward would be great it's the upward climbin weight I am struggling with :p