Monday, March 07, 2011

Menu Monday- 3/7


This week on WW I learned that I can easily spiral downward Sad smile….  But, even still I did have some victories when I chose salads instead of other foods and even refused ice cream a couple of times.  I’m learning and reminding myself that I can have anything I want, just not all on the same day.  It seems to be working so far Winking smile.  I didn’t weigh in last week either, because my life got a little out of control, so I don’t have a February total for you- I’ll have it for you next week.  As the weather improves, I’m looking forward to spending more time outside working in the yard, which I’m sure will help my weight loss Winking smile.  On a happy note, I did fit into a pair of shorts comfortably this week that at the end of shorts season last year were a bit tight Open-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smileOpen-mouthed smile…  I’m eager for those shorts to be too big!

Ok, so here’s what’s on the menu this week:

Monday:  Burgers and fries

Tuesday:  Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Church

Wednesday:  Chicken Tortilla Soup

Thursday:  BBQ Chicken and Brussel Sprouts

Friday:  Baked Tilapia, Pea Salad

Saturday:  Tacos

Sunday:  Snack Dinner

1 comment:

  1. Jessica12:14 AM

    Spiral downward would be great it's the upward climbin weight I am struggling with :p


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