Sunday, January 09, 2011

Supper Sunday- Strawberry Spinach Salad

Here's a super easy, super yummy salad for you. No excuses this week for not getting in all of your fruits and veggies!

Strawberry Spinach Salad
Baby Spinach (1 large bag or container)
1 Pint of Strawberries, Washed, and sliced
Light Raspberry Vinaigrette

Place Strawberries on spinach, and toss with about 1 cup dressing or have each person dress their salad according to individual tastes.

For those of you following the points plus plan with Weight Watchers you'll need to count about 1 point for the dressing depending on how much you use, and that's it!  :)



  1. I always love me a good salad..thank you for posting..Thank you for stopping by my blog..I am a new follower of your with Network Blogs..


  2. YUMMY! But I'm having a hard time finding strawberries that aren't going to force me to dip into the girls' college fund!

  3. Thank you so much for leaving a comment over at my blog giving me name advice!! You all helped me so much (and you won, I'm sticking with the decorated cookie). By the way, spinach strawberry salad? My FAVORITE! Yum yum yum.


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