Thursday, September 16, 2010

Top Ten Things I've Learned

Top Ten Things I've Learned (Or am still learning)

  1. It really isn't worth it to leave dishes in the sink.  Are you like me?  Do you spend more time avoiding the dishes than it actually takes to do them?  How many times have I thought to myself after doing the dishes that it took virtually no time and I feel so much better now....???  
  2. An object in motion stays in motion.   It is so easy to sit on the couch and stare at this computer for hours.  I can find a million games on facebook to play to occupy my time, or a million things on TV to watch and reason that I am just so tired and need to rest.  Most of the time I feel much better if I just get up off my toosh and do something!
  3. Organizing is hard, but worth it.  Think about it, when your life is organized, and you know, for example, what you're going to have for dinner tonight, or what you're going to do tomorrow, there is a certain amount of comfort in that.  It really does lower the stress level.  But, starting is hard, and if you're like me, and a perpetually unorganized person, it is a daily struggle and a daily process.  Have I mentioned I'm really liking One Year to an Organized Life? It too will be a process that will take me more than a year, but it is atleast a process.
  4. Less is more.  I know...  DUH....  But really- it IS!!!  I have a pretty small house, and we're on the verge of being buried alive amongst all of our stuff.  I've begun the process of cleaning out (another process....)  And when I get through an area of clean out I feel so much better.  When I'm really honest with myself I realize that the majority of the "stuff" I have isn't benefiting me at all..  In fact, it's hurting me.
  5. Taking time for yourself isn't selfish.  Most of you who read my blog are other moms or dads.  We want to give everything to our kids.  We can easily get trapped in the thought that we don't need time to ourselves as much as they need us.  But the opposite is true.  They need parents that feel refreshed, and they need to learn to get by without you from time to time too.
  6. Regular Quiet Time is a must.  It's so easy to get into the business of our lives and let that fall to the side.  But if you make it a priority, you'll see that your days are more ordered.
  7. Exercise isn't just for fitness buffs.  I don't like to exercise.  I really don't.  But lately I've been trying to take a walk every night with my husband.  Most nights I don't want to go.  But afterwards I feel much better and I'm glad I did.  
  8. Boundaries are important.  You don't have to share everything that happens in your life with everyone.  It is very important to have an inner core with whom you can share, but you should keep the really personal stuff- personal. 
  9. Your spouse is the most important person in the world.  I know, some would argue it is the kids, but I disagree, because the best thing you can do for your kids is have a healthy marriage.  Period.
  10. God is in control.  When we're caught up in the chaos of life, or it isn't going our way it's easy to look the other way where God is concerned.  But we need to seek Him and trust Him especially during those times. Oh- and church should be somewhere that you can be real, not somewhere you can't go when you're in trouble. 
What are some of yours? 

1 comment:

  1. I keep the dishes done because it makes people think I was uber busy all day (obviously because they never do the dishes-so they assume it takes hours).
    I also started this thing where I pull two items out of my closet every time I put something new in (weight loss is lovely-why keep the fat clothes?)
    #9 is my favorite on your list-While I love my kids, they will one day leave home. I hope that they leave our home with an attitude about what healthy relationships look like.


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