Monday, September 27, 2010

Menu Monday 9/27-10/3


This week and next we are out of town, so my menu will have a bit of a different format. This week I'll share how I planned our menu for our trip.

We're going to be gone for 2 weeks and we're taking an RV on our trip.  So, that leaves us with the ability to cook and have a refrigerator.  Yay!  I don't, however, want to spend the trip preparing food.  So, I've made the decision to depart from our usual healthy food and just get convenience foods.  I know it isn't ideal, but I do believe it to be better than driving through McDonalds.  (Which I can't guarantee won't happen either)...

While we're gone we're visiting friends and family a lot of the time, so in the end I only needed to plan a few dinners.  Here's what I've got:

Sun 9/26- Lunch, Eating Dinner with Family
Mon 9/27- Lunch, eating with a friend
Tue 9/28- Lunch, Dinner :  Pot Pies
Wed 9/29-Pack a lunch for train, Dinner in Crock Pot:Taco Soup
Thur 9/30-Lunch, Dinner:  Burgers, Chips, Salad
 Fri 10/1-Lunch on road, Dinner:  Grilled Cheese Sandwiches , applesauce, chips
Sat 10/2- Lunch, Dinner with friends
Sun 10/3- Lunch with family, Dinner with friends
Mon 10/4-Staying with friends
Tues 10/5-Staying with friends
Wed 10/6- Lunch on Road, Dinner:  Stuffed Baked Potatoes
Thur 10/7- Lunch, Dinner:  Taquitos, Nachos, Gringo Guacomole
Fri 10/8- Lunch, Dinner with family
Sat 10/9-Staying with family
Sun 10/10- Lunch, Dinner at home

For Breakfast foods we'll be bringing cereal, eggs, pancake stuff, and some homemade granola
For Lunch foods we'll be bringing stuff for:

Tuna and crackers
Hot Dogs
Mac and Cheese
Fruit Cups


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