Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

Well, I got back on the stick this week, and as a result lost 2.2 pounds!  I still have 2 pounds to go to be to my “pre-Christmas” weight, and a few more pounds to be back under my all time lowest, which I was at in October.  I’m doing my best not to be frustrated with myself, because life happens.  My schedule had gotten completely out of control, and that was the main reason for my slipping.  It’s time to own it and move on. 

Here’s my tidbit that is helping me this week.  There is a book called, Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, that is on the reading list of one of the other blogs I read.  It’s now on my reading list as well.  I had a sample sent to my Kindle, (which I love, by the way)and started reading it.  It begins with a story about someone eating a frog- you’ve got to read it yourself to understand, but the point is that if you eat your “frog”, your “frog” being your most difficult task, or least enjoyable task first thing, you’ll have a much more productive day overall.  I know this to be true with me, as exercise is definitely a “frog” for me.  So, I’m trying to commit to getting back to eating my frog first thing in the morning.  My schedule is still a bit out of control, and I haven’t figured out how to fix this, but I’m working on it.

With this, my weight loss/ healthy living goals for this week are:

  • Stay within my points range for the week
  • Earn at least 14 activity points
  • Keep my caffeine intake down
  • Drink at least 4 cups of water each day
  • maximize my fruits and vegetables
  • Write it BEFORE I bite it!

So, how do you manage to put yourself on the priority list?

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