Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GratiTuesday- Adoption Story Part 8

So, we continue along, going to court, having our multiple CPS visits every month, still having 2 CPS workers, since Shea’s case was transferred to Adoption Prep and Will wasn’t there yet.  All the while we’re hopeful.  There were a couple of court dates that were pretty scary for us.  I remember one in particular, it seemed like things were going the opposite of the direction we wanted and I felt compelled to speak up.  I talked out of turn to the judge, but he listened to me.  It was so stressful to go to court and have our lives in someone else’s hands.

As we neared the end of our case we were set for trial (termination of parental rights) 4 times!  Each time we left the courthouse scared.  Setting a goal to make it through the next court hearing.  Finally, when the rights were terminated it was such a relief.  We felt bad for the biological parents, because we couldn’t imagine this ever happening to us, but we were glad for our family.  There was a relief that the next time we went to court it would be to finalize the adoptions.  But, it wasn’t done yet.

Finally we had only 1 CPS worker!  Yay!  We had to wait for records to be retracted and go through the motions.  We had to have an updated homestudy done.  There was a lot to be done before these adoptions could be finalized.  Honestly, this period of time is all a blur to me. 

There was a sense of relief, but still it isn’t over until it’s over with CPS. 

To be continued…

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