Tuesday, January 29, 2013

February Goals

January has come and gone!  Before we know it it will be Christmas, right?  LOL  At the beginning of the year I decided to set monthly goals for my healthy lifestyle instead of overwhelming myself with forever goals.  January’s goals were to run every day and to avoid fast food for the entire month.  I did it!  I kept both of those goals in check!  WOOHOO!!!

So, now it’s time to work on some new goals for February.

  • I’m going to work on some muscle strength exercises this month.
  • I will continue to work on my continuous running, building up to 4 miles
  • I will really monitor my water, and increase my water intake
  • I will aim for 2 cups or less of coffee per day. 
  • On the heels of a month long fast from fast food I will allow myself to eat fast food again, but will monitor my intake for excessiveness….

What about you?  What are your fitness goals for February?

1 comment:

  1. Run 3x per week, go to sleep by 11, and drink 50 oz of water every day


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