Recently I've taken a break from social media. It's now been more than a month that I've been off social media and I've learned a few things.
It's all too easy to get caught up in the world of social media and forget that what goes on there is pretty far from reality. I know that it is a way to keep in touch with people, but how often do we use it as a crutch to believe that we are staying in touch, when really we aren't. We're just looking in on someone's life, but still keeping a distance. There's not a place on our Facebook wall where we can sit together and talk about the things that really are bothering us.
What really got me convicted to take a break was the change I was seeing in myself. I have always been a person who truly enjoys seeing my friends have a good time, even when it didn't include me. It really has been a thing that doesn't bother me. But lately, I find myself in a sort of "in between" stage. I think it has some to do with the fact that I have adult children and teen age children and young children. Because of this dynamic, I often don't feel like I truly "fit" with any group. My friends who have children my adult children's ages are now entering the empty nest time in their lives and don't have the worries of the 7 and 8 year old life that we do. My friends who have young kids my Littles' ages are much younger than we are and have a totally different take on many things as a result. I have some friends who have teenage kids, but the teenage years are so difficult with time being so scarce that there's not a lot of room to connect there either.
And, I'm also finding that being a mom of adult kids who are going out into the world and living their own lives is much harder than I anticipated. So much of my life has been all about them, and now their lives are (rightfully so) not about me. I miss my boys.
These things have worked together to knock down my self esteem a bit. As this has happened, I've begun looking at Facebook differently. I've noticed more where I don't seem to stack up to others. My friends get together and instead of me being happy about it for them, I'm feeling sorry for myself, and wondering why I wasn't invited. I've lost my sense of true identity, because I allowed Facebook/Instagram/SnapChat etc to define it for me instead of the One who truly loves me and knows me.
I was reading a devotional in the Bible app recently called "People of the Second Chance". There was a quote in there that really hit me to the core, and I think it is well worth repeating. It was, "My truest, nonnegotiable identity is the beloved. And in spite of my checkered past, my fabulous flops, my painful history, my deepest flaws, my boneheaded screw-ups, and yes, even beyond my own beliefs about myself, I am God's beloved. This is my foundational identity of every human being.
"This is important because identity is the engine that dries the relationship not only with ourselves, but also with God and others. If your identity is broken, your life is broken. If you define it incorrectly, you will carry that wrong definition into your story. if all you see are your limitations, you will miss out on the stunning possibilities God is creating in front of you." I assume more can be found in his book, People of the Second Chance: A Guide to Bringing Life-Saving Love to the World
This really spoke to me, though. You see, one thing I will never claim to be is perfect. One thing I do not have is "it all together". I'm just like any other wife and mom out there who spends time bouncing between overwhelmed and barely getting by most of the time. I have deep regrets as a mom, things I wish I could do over, ways I wish I could better show my kids how much I love them. I have deep regrets as a wife, ways that I have not been a good partner to my husband, times when I didn't give him the grace he deserved. I have deep regrets as a child, things I've said, and ways I've acted out towards my parents, and most particularly my mother. I have failed in many ways at being a good friend, too. I've said things that hurt my friends, that were not intended to do so, but still did. You can't unsay things once they've been said. All of these people are people who I love so dearly, yet I have made mistakes. And now, as a mother in law, I find myself failing in many ways there too. I am human. I am far from perfect. And the people who I love are also human. We fail. All of us. It's just one of the reasons we need God so much. Because, we need to know in our deepest darkest failings that our core identity has not changed. We are Beloved.
So, for now, I will keep my eyes less on the things on social media and more on the things in my Bible. I will spend the month of November as I have for many years, remembering what I'm grateful for, and not what I lack. I will do my best to forgive others when they are human and I will also try to forgive myself. I will try to see the world with the eyes of Jesus, and see the wonder of it all.
What about you? Do you find yourself getting caught up in the comparison trap of social media? Do you need to take time to refocus as well? What are ways you keep yourself in check?
Love, Semalee
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